The Road Roller
The Road Roller
Price: $8.95
On Sale Now!!!
makeMZ Premium Model collection
This is the Ninth in our New Series of Next Generation, High-Quality, Premium 3D Model Patterns for CNC Routers,  
Lasers and Scroll Saws, Completely Original and Exclusive to MakeCNC and 
created with lots of Flair and Imagination! 
This Pattern comes with a multi-page color assembly guide using photographic quality
rendering and assembly images
This Pattern also uses two different scale sizes so you will need to use two thicknesses of wood and each Road Working Machine comes with a Number Coded DXF to assist with assembly and works in conjunction with your color assembly guide. The scales for Imperial for each DXF are 1-8" & 1-4" and 1-4" & 1-2" and the Metric scales for each DXF are 3 & 6mm and 6 & 12mm. Please read and follow your assembly guide carefully. 

This Pattern also uses two thicknesses of wood and comes in Laser Version and Router Version.
The Laser and Router Versions both have 2 Imperial and 2 Metric DXF's that come in 2 scales each.
The scales for Imperial are 1-8" & 1-4" and 1-4" & 1-2" and the Metric are 3 & 6mm and 6 & 12mm.
Your Road Roller Pattern also comes with a Number Coded DXF to assist with assembly and works in conjunction with your
color assembly guide. It also comes with a JPG Image that is sized at 500 X 354.
You may need to use glue for your project for better stability of the 3D Model.
The Road Roller
A road roller, sometimes called a roller-compactor, or just roller, is a compactor type engineering vehicle used to compact soil, gravel, concrete, or asphalt in the construction of roads and foundations, similar rollers are used also at landfills or in agriculture.
In some parts of the world, road rollers are still known colloquially as steam rollers, regardless of their method of propulsion. This typically only applies to the largest examples used for road-making.
The first road rollers were horse-drawn, and were probably just borrowed farm implements.
Since the effectiveness of a roller depends to a large extent on its weight, self-powered vehicles replaced horse-drawn rollers from the mid-19th century. The first such vehicles were steam rollers.
Road rollers use the weight of the vehicle to compress the surface being rolled or use mechanical advantage, or vibrating. Initial compaction of the substrate on a road project is done using a padfoot drum roller, which achieves higher compaction density due to the pads having less surface area.
This is one useful and amazing machine! 
Collect your Road Roller Today!
This Road Roller Pattern and its instruction guide, its design and assembly methods are all Copyright makeCNC.
If you purchase this pattern and would like to reproduce it you may only reproduce up to 50 real products from this individual pattern.
If you would like to reproduce more than 50 then you would need to purchase another Road Roller Pattern at $8.95 again.
You could then produce another 50 real products. You would have to purchase a new pattern for every 50 you would like to produce.
Otherwise, if you wish to mass produce this product please contact us at makeCNC to negotiate a commercial license.
Thank You!