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Rocking Horse


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Rocking Horse

A makeMZ ST Original 3D Puzzle

This is a Great Pattern with some Amazing Detail work in it.

A rocking horse is a child's toy, usually shaped like a horse and mounted on 
rockers similar to a rocking chair.
Predecessors of the rocking horse may be seen in the rocking cradle, the tilting 
seats used during the Middle Ages for jousting practice as well as the wheeled 
hobby horse. The toy in its current form did not appear before the 17th century, 
though some conflicting sources note medieval manuscripts including references to 
carved rocking horses, presumably of the toy kind.
Comes with a Multi Page Full Color Assembly Guide!

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Price: $9.95

Back Scratcher


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Back Scratcher

A makeMZ ST Original 3D Puzzle

This is a Great Pattern with some Amazing Detail work in it.

A backscratcher, occasionally known as a scratch-back, is a tool used, as the 
name would suggest, for relieving areas that cannot easily be reached just by 
one's own hands, typically the back.
Very Handy to have!
Comes with a Multi Page Full Color Assembly Guide!

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Price: $6.45

Da Vinci's Ornithopter


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Da Vinci's Ornithopter

A makeMZ ST Original 3D Puzzle

This is a Great Pattern with some Amazing Detail work in it.

An ornithopter is an aircraft that flies by flapping its wings. Designers seek to 
imitate the flapping-wing flight of birds, bats, and insects. Though machines may 
differ in form, they are usually built on the same scale as these flying 
creatures. Manned ornithopters have also been built, and some have been 
successful. The machines are of two general types, those with engines and those 
powered by the muscles of the pilot.
Comes with a Multi Page Full Color Assembly Guide!

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Price: $9.50

Two Native American Indians in a Canoe


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Two Native American Indians in a Canoe

A makeMZ ST Original 3D Puzzle

This is a Great Pattern with some Amazing Detail work in it.

In the United States, Native Americans are considered to be people whose pre-
Columbian ancestors were indigenous to the lands within the nation's modern 
boundaries. These peoples were composed of numerous distinct tribes, bands, and 
ethnic groups, and many of these groups survive intact today as sovereign 
Canoes are used for racing, whitewater canoeing, touring and camping, freestyle, 
and general recreation. The intended use of the canoe dictates its hull shape and 
length and construction material.
Comes with a Multi Page Full Color Assembly Guide!

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Price: $7.95

Strawberry Pattern


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Strawberry Pattern

A makeMZ ST Original 3D Puzzle

This is a Great Pattern with some Amazing Detail work in it.

The garden strawberry is a widely grown hybrid species of the genus Fragaria 
widely known as the strawberries. It is cultivated worldwide for its fruit. The 
fruit which is not a botanical berry, but an aggregate accessory fruit is widely 
appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy texture, and 
Comes with a Multi Page Full Color Assembly Guide!

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Price: $6.45

Tee Pee


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Tee Pee

A makeMZ ST Original 3D Puzzle

This is a Great Pattern with some Amazing Detail work in it.

A Tipi, or Tee Pee, is a conical tent, traditionally made of animal skins upon 
wooden poles. A tipi is distinguished from other conical tents by the smoke flaps 
at the top of the structure. Historically, the tipi was designed and largely used 
by Indigenous people of the Plains in the Great Plains and Canadian Prairies of 
North America. Tipi lodges are still in use by these peoples, though now 
primarily for ceremonial purposes.
Comes with a Multi Page Full Color Assembly Guide!

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Price: $7.45

Lego Trees


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Lego Trees

A makeMZ ST Original 3D Puzzle

This is a Great Pattern with some Amazing Detailed work in it.

In botany, a tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, 
supporting branches and leaves in most species. In some usages, the definition of 
a tree may be narrower, including only woody plants with secondary growth, plants 
that are usable as lumber or plants above a specified height.
Comes with a Multi Page Full Color Assembly Guide!

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Price: $7.45

Stirling Ross Engine - Engine Series


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Stirling Ross Engine

A makeCNC Original 3D Puzzle

This is Not a Beginners Pattern!!!  This is a Great Pattern that will provide Challenging Fun! 

A Stirling engine is a heat engine that operates by cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gas the working fluid at different temperatures, such that there is a net conversion of heat energy to mechanical work. More specifically, the Stirling engine is a closed-cycle regenerative heat engine with a permanently gaseous working fluid. Closed-cycle, in this context, means a thermodynamic system in which the working fluid is permanently contained within the system, and regenerative describes the use of a specific type of internal heat exchanger and thermal store, known as the regenerator. The inclusion of a regenerator differentiates the Stirling engine from other closed cycle hot air engines.

This is a New Premium Pattern!

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Price: $12.95

Unknown Beam Engine - Engine Series


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Unknown Beam Engine

A makeCNC Original 3D Puzzle

This is Not a Beginners Pattern!!!  This is a Great Pattern that will provide Challenging Fun! 

A beam engine is a type of steam engine where a pivoted overhead beam is used to 
apply the force from a vertical piston to a vertical connecting rod. This 
configuration, with the engine directly driving a pump, was first used by Thomas 
Newcomen around 1705 to remove water from mines in Cornwall.

This is a New Premium Pattern!

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Price: $12.95

Atkinson-Cycle Engine - Engine Series


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Atkinson-Cycle Engine

A makeCNC Original 3D Puzzle

This is Not a Beginners Pattern!!!  This is a Great Pattern that will provide Challenging Fun! 

The Atkinson-cycle engine is a type of internal combustion engine invented by 
James Atkinson in 1882. The Atkinson cycle is designed to provide efficiency at 
the expense of power density, or total power extracted per unit of displacement 
per rotation.

This is a New Premium Pattern!

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Price: $12.95

Coomber Steam Engine - Engine Series


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Coomber Steam Engine

A makeCNC Original 3D Puzzle

This is Not a Beginners Pattern!!!  This is a Great Pattern that will provide Challenging Fun! 

A steam engine is a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its 
working fluid.
Steam engines are external combustion engines, where the working fluid is 
separate from the combustion products. Non-combustion heat sources such as solar 
power, nuclear power or geothermal energy may be used. The ideal thermodynamic 
cycle used to analyze this process is called the Rankine cycle. In the cycle, 
water is heated and transforms into steam within a boiler operating at a high 
pressure. When expanded through pistons or turbines, mechanical work is done. The 
reduced-pressure steam is then condensed and pumped back into the boiler.

This is a New Premium Pattern!

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Price: $12.95

Crank Substitute Engine - Engine Series


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Crank Substitute Engine

A makeCNC Original 3D Puzzle

This is Not a Beginners Pattern!!!  This is a Great Pattern that will provide Challenging Fun! 

crankshaft—related to crank—is a mechanical part able to perform a conversion between reciprocating motion and rotational motion. In a reciprocating engine, it translates reciprocating motion of the piston into rotational motion; whereas in a reciprocating compressor, it converts the rotational motion into reciprocating motion. In order to do the conversion between two motions, the crankshaft has "crank throws" or "crankpins", additional bearing surfaces whose axis is offset from that of the crank, to which the "big ends" of the connecting rods from each cylinder attach.

This is a New Premium Pattern!

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Price: $12.95

Dake Piston Engine - Engine Series


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Dake Piston Engine

A makeCNC Original 3D Puzzle

This is Not a Beginners Pattern!!!  This is a Great Pattern that will provide Challenging Fun! 

The Dake Engine is a square piston engine. There are basically only 3 moving 
parts, the square outer piston, the somewhat round inner piston and the crank 
shaft. The internal piston parts are about 1 inch thick. The engine is very well 
balanced and therefore takes little effort to drive it.

This is a New Premium Pattern!

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Price: $12.95

Radial Engine - Engine Series


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Radial Engine

A makeCNC Original 3D Puzzle

This is Not a Beginners Pattern!!!  This is a Great Pattern that will provide Challenging Fun! 

The radial engine is a reciprocating type internal combustion engine 
configuration in which the cylinders "radiate" outward from a central crankcase 
like the spokes of a wheel. It resembles a stylized star when viewed from the 
front, and is called a "star engine" in some languages. The radial configuration 
was very commonly used for aircraft engines before gas turbine engines became 

This is a New Premium Pattern!

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Price: $12.95

Steam Engine - Engine Series


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Steam Engine

A makeCNC Original 3D Puzzle

This is Not a Beginners Pattern!!!  This is a Great Pattern that will provide Challenging Fun! 

A steam engine is a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its 
working fluid.
Steam engines are external combustion engines, where the working fluid is 
separate from the combustion products. Non-combustion heat sources such as solar 
power, nuclear power or geothermal energy may be used. The ideal thermodynamic 
cycle used to analyze this process is called the Rankine cycle. 

This is a New Premium Pattern!

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Price: $12.95

Stirling Engine - Engine Series


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Stirling Engine

A makeCNC Original 3D Puzzle

This is Not a Beginners Pattern!!!  This is a Great Pattern that will provide Challenging Fun! 

A Stirling engine is a heat engine that operates by cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gas the working fluid at different temperatures, such that there is a net conversion of heat energy to mechanical work. More specifically, the Stirling engine is a closed-cycle regenerative heat engine with a permanently gaseous working fluid.

This is a New Premium Pattern!

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Price: $12.95

V8 Engine - Engine Series


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V8 Engine

A makeCNC Original 3D Puzzle

This is Not a Beginners Pattern!!!  This is a Great Pattern that will provide Challenging Fun! 

A V8 engine is an eight-cylinder V configuration engine with the cylinders mounted 
on the crankcase in two sets or banks of four, with all eight pistons driving a 
common crankshaft. Most banks are set at a right angle (90°) to each other, some 
at a narrower angle, with 45°, 60°, and 72° most common.

This is a New Premium Pattern!

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Price: $12.95

Wankel Engine - Engine Series


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Wankel Engine

A makeCNC Original 3D Puzzle

This is Not a Beginners Pattern!!!  This is a Great Pattern that will provide Challenging Fun! 

The Wankel engine is a type of internal combustion engine using an eccentric 
rotary design to convert pressure into rotating motion. In contrast to the more 
common reciprocating piston designs, the Wankel engine delivers advantages of 
simplicity, smoothness, compactness, high revolutions per minute, and a high 
power-to-weight ratio.

This is a New Premium Pattern!

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Price: $12.95

Napier Deltic Engine - Engine Series


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Napier Deltic Engine

A makeCNC Original 3D Puzzle

This is Not a Beginners Pattern!!!  This is a Great Pattern that will provide Challenging Fun! 

The Napier Deltic engine is a British opposed-piston valveless, supercharged 
uniflow scavenged, two-stroke Diesel engine used in marine and locomotive 
applications, designed and produced by D. Napier & Son. Unusually, the cylinders 
were disposed in a three bank triangle, with a crankshaft at each corner of the 

This is a New Premium Pattern!

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Price: $12.95

The Flower Trio - Automata


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The Flower Trio - Automata

A makeCNC Original Automata Pattern

This is a Very Amazing Automata Pattern with Moving Parts! 

This is one of Many of makeCNC's Excellent and Intriguing Automata Patterns !

Ready to cut downloadable Patterns and Projects for your CNC Router, Milling Machine, Plasma Cutter or Laser Machine and Scroll Saw in both Imperial Inch format as well as Metric size for the Global CNC Hobbyist.

The Flower Trio - Automata

MakeCNC would like to introduce you to the world of Automata. 
Automata is often referred to as Mechanical Toys or Kinetic Art. Automata are 
marvelous small machines that utilize most of the mechanical processes which can 
be found in almost every modern machine containing cams, gears, ratchets and 
Designing and making automata is an exciting hobby. It covers a range of skills 
and processes from Art, Engineering and Science, through to Craft Skills 
involving card, wood and metal which can be utilized for a school project or just 
for a hobby. Collect your Excellent makeCNC Automata Pattern Projects One by One today!

Click details for more info

Price: $10.95

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